Running a Business in 2-3 Hours Per Week

flip hacking Feb 25, 2022

If you’re in ministry, flipping houses is great, but not if it takes you a ton of time.

Most of us want extra income for our families, but we want it in a way that allows us to still be devoted to ministry full-time.

That’s why it’s essential that if you flip houses, you do it in a way that frees up your time for what matters most to you!

When we started flipping houses many years ago, we did all of the work ourselves. I was in full-time ministry & we were doing it on the side to supplement our income (and ultimately to help us pay off our house).

We couldn’t flip many houses this way or it would’ve taken way too much time.

I knew there were 2 keys to turning this side hustle into a business where I could work only a few hours a week.

  1. Great people
  1. Great systems

Great people are what make a great business. No doubt about it. You need to find and hire the best people you can. I did this by only hiring people I knew or people that someone I trusted knew. That way I’d know they would be trustworthy & well qualified from the beginning. This principle has served me well so far.

Our first hire was an Acquisitions Manager who would help contact sellers & put homes under contract. He was a friend of mine and had been a pastor on staff at our church. Then we hired a Lead Manager who managed all of the leads coming in. He was a family friend and volunteer at our church. Then we hired a Dispositions Specialist who would help take a property from contract to close. She was a volunteer at the church & had also worked on our children’s staff. Then we hired Prospectors, who were usually stay-at-home mom’s from our church or friends of our staff. Many of these team members already knew each other and it was easy to gel together from the beginning.

Once you have great people, you need great systems so that people can be self-managed. Systems allow you to walk away from the business and it still run when you’re not there. Systems are clearly documented processes about how your business actually does business. These help your “great people” know what to do each day without having to ask you. And these systems manage their progress, provide you with regular updates, and help your business operate smoothly.

Hiring great people & implementing great systems is what allowed me to turn my flipping side hustle into a flipping business that provided full-time income for my family. And once I hired great people & developed great systems, I was only having to work 2-3 hours a week in the business.

If you are looking for a way to supplement or replace your ministry income, consider building a flipping business. I’ve seen pastors, missionaries & Christian leaders all have success doing this! If you want some help, you can check out of Flip Hacking Course & Mastermind.


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