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About Me

I'm a Tentmaking Pastor who runs multiple businesses in a few hours each week. This allowed me to give 100% of my salary back to the church, a dream come true. Over the last 2 years, I've helped leaders earn over $1,000,000 in extra income!

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Tentmaking Tips

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I've developed several free PDF guides to help you travel free, earn extra income, and get started with real estate



For those who want coaching in earning extra income, I have several paid courses & communities that you can join

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Recent Tentmaking Tips

Delivered by e-mail weekly to help leaders earn extra income in their spare time

"I’ve taken every one of the courses that Chris offers and found immense value in each of them! His Travel Hacking Course empowered my family to finally be able to take vacations. His House Hacking Course empowered me cover my housing expenses through leveraging space in my home for income. His Flip Hacking Course provided me a vision & pathway for fully replacing my ministry salary, so we can invest more money in moving the gospel forward in our region."

Tim Walker

"I would like you to join me in the Travel Hacking Course to help pastors (or anybody for that matter!) and their families....Travel FREE! I am not kidding, Chris is a bit crazy and he has worked out some stuff that makes my head spin. No gimmicks here, just a guy who loves Jesus and wants to help people do what he is doing, traveling for FREE."

Roy Moran

"Chris’s courses are out of this world. I highly recommend them to anybody. Not just for people living in America but all over the world. If you’re a missionary or if you live overseas, the Travel Hacking Course can help you literally save thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars on travel, hotels and airfare. It’s absolutely incredible. Chris is not just a guru, he’s a “do-ru.” He is somebody who has done this time and time again and he’s going to teach you how to do this step by step. And the Flip Hacking Course can literally transform your ministry & your life... In just the last couple of months, we’ve closed 6 deals... I’ve literally made half of my salary in about 6 weeks time."

Josh Howard

"The Flip Hacking Course is a phenomenal resource! I literally knew nothing about flipping, and the videos are step-by-step instructional gems that you can keep coming back to again and again. I’ve watched a few of the lessons multiple times. Even more valuable are the coaching calls and the community page on the Flip Hacking Mastermind where you can post a question any time you have one. I’ve had dozens of questions answered within an hour or two of my post, and a community of fellow “tentmakers” cheering each on and learning from each other. I couldn’t recommend the course and mastermind any higher. Come join the journey with us!"

Morgan Greer

"The Flip Hacking Course was so simple and practical that it empowered me to take a risk!! What I love about this course is that I can go back & watch the training videos over and over. I also love the coaching network and community (Flip Hacking Mastermind), it has really helped me get this business off the ground."

Brad White

"Chris Galanos has been an incredible mentor in my life in how to be a better disciple maker, church planter and every day follower of Jesus. Through his guidance I've been able to start a side real estate investment business that hopefully will enable me still do full time ministry but without a paycheck from my church. "

Jim Britts

"The Flip Hacking Course has jump-started me. I have been a pastor for 30 years and have been looking for a way to replace my ministry income. For the past three years I have been working as a real estate agent. I have also tried other real estate investing avenues, but nothing has excited me like Flip Hacking. Chris does an amazing job walking me step by step on HOW TO in each course video. I highly recommend the Monthly Coaching Call (in the Flip Hacking Mastermind)! It is a group of like-minded people, either in the same place as me or a few steps ahead. The encouragement and tips I get are invaluable! The Community (in the Flip Hacking Mastermind) is a must! I have been able to go there with all of my questions along my journey and Chris has provided the answers and support I have needed. This has been just what I needed! Thank you, Chris!!"

Mike Blankenship

"The lessons in the Travel Hacking Course are quick and layout the entire process step by step. Lesson 6 in the course is worth the entire cost of the course alone. I am pumped to start traveling for free (or nearly free)!"

Tyler Dipprey

"Over my 25 years living overseas I have been fortunate enough to learn a few of these hacks that the Travel Hacking Course will teach you resulting in multiple free tickets to and from Asia for our family and friends. Chris' goal of reproducing a comprehensive guide to learning and applying these hacks is a great idea and will be a great resource not just for pastors but also for many overseas workers. "

Dr. Stan Parks
Missions Strategist

"I have gotten tremendous value out of the Flip Hacking Course! I am a missionary overseas and was skeptical at first that this could work internationally, but with Chris' mentoring I was just able to close my first two deals. In 3 months I was able to make an equivalent of about a quarter of my annual salary. It takes a lot of work to get started but Chris provides the tools to help you succeed. Can't wait to continue on this tentmaking journey!"

David Bentley

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