Pastors, Missionaries, Christian Leaders -- what if you could supplement or completely replace your ministry income in 2-3 hours each week?

What if you could do this with very little money out of your pocket and while continuing to work full-time in your ministry? That'd be amazing, right?

I want to introduce you to a little known real estate niche that did this exact thing for my family.


See what some of my students are saying... 

Josh Howard - Missionary

[October 2020] - This can literally transform your ministry & your life... In just the last couple of months, we’ve closed 6 deals... I’ve literally made half of my salary in about 6 weeks time. 

[June 2021] - Hey bro! Just calculated our number of deals and we’ve officially closed 40 different properties since starting! So crazy man!!!!

Morgan Greer - Pastor

The Flip Hacking course is a phenomenal resource! I recently closed my first deal for over $20,000 & am almost to a 2nd deal. I literally knew nothing about flipping, and the videos are step-by-step instructional gems that you can keep coming back to again and again. I’ve watched a few of the lessons multiple times... I couldn’t recommend the course any higher. Come join the journey with us!

David Bentley - Missionary

I have gotten tremendous value out of the Flip Hacking Course! I am a missionary overseas and was skeptical at first that this could work internationally, but with Chris' mentoring I was just able to close my first two deals. In 3 months I was able to make an equivalent of about a quarter of my annual salary. It takes a lot of work to get started but Chris provides the tools to help you succeed. Can't wait to continue on this tentmaking journey!

Wayne Shuffield - Pastor

I closed my first Flip Hacking deal this week. I learned in December about what Chris was doing to help pastors and missionaries create income streams for support. Having, myself, been in ministry for 45 years and being of kindred heart to do the same for ministers, I decided to take the course and give it a go. In a little more than 90 days since being introduced to the process, I just closed my first deal for $13,000.

You've probably always assumed... could only make extra income if you had enough time to take on another part-time or full-time job. And who has time for that?

Perhaps you’ve also assumed that to get involved in real estate, you’d need a lot of extra money in the bank. Not very common for those of us in ministry!

Maybe you've assumed that starting a side business would be too difficult & require too much specialized knowledge. And you're educated in ministry not entrepreneurship, right?

I’ve got good news, none of these assumptions are true!

Here's our story

My wife and I planted Experience Life Church in 2007 in my hometown of Lubbock, TX. Because this was a new church plant, we had to raise all of our financial support. We did this for 2 years while the church was beginning to grow. In year 3, we officially transitioned onto the payroll at the church. While you’d think that would be an exciting development, I actually liked not getting paid directly by the church. I liked seeing all of that money be used for ministry, rather than on my salary.

I began to dream about coming off the payroll again one day through tentmaking. I wanted to preach the gospel free of charge, like Paul (1 Cor 9:18). And free up that money to be used for ministry again.

I tried various ways to earn extra income on the side but found it difficult. I started a business that never got off the ground. I did some work on the side for a family business that wasn’t a good fit. I just wasn’t sure how to earn extra income in a way that allowed me to stay in full-time ministry and not bog me down on nights and weekends.

Our big discovery

We had recently moved into a new house and about 9 months after moving in decided to sell it again. The neighborhood just wasn’t a fit. We didn’t update the home while we lived in it and just sold it in the exact same condition that we had bought it in.

To our great surprise, we made $24,000.

Whoa! $24,000 just for living in a house for 9 months and selling it again? Amazing!

We began to think, Could we do this again without living in the house?

And we did.

We bought another home to move into and we also bought the home across the street from ours (which we planned to resell quickly). We sold the home across the street soon after buying it, and without doing much work at all, made even more money. Whoa again!

We continued to do this over and over again. And we learned we could even do this without using our own money or doing any work to the house.

A few years later, I was able to go to the elders of our church and ask them to give me a significant pay cut. Our real estate income was starting to cover a good percentage of my salary.

Then I put a team together who could run this business for me. The team kept doing Quick Flips (ilke what I've described) all over our city.

I was only spending about 2-3 hours a week in the business by this point.

A dream come true

Eventually I was able to ask our elders to remove me from the payroll completely and use all of that salary for ministry. Truly, a dream come true!

We’ve been at this 4 years now and have done well over 100 deals. This business provides fully for my family and frees me up to focus on ministry.

After writing a book about our church’s story, and including a chapter on this tentmaking journey, people began reaching out to me asking for help with tentmaking.

I would apologize to them and tell them that, while I’d love to help them, I was busy in ministry and didn’t have much time available to coach people on their own tentmaking journey.

But I told them that eventually I’d put together a course and coaching program that would help them build a business like ours.

And that time has come.


An online course & coaching program that teaches you the step-by-step proven system to build a real estate investing business that supplements or replaces your income in only 2-3 hours per week.

What You'll Learn

  • The 6-step process to flip a house without doing any work to it
  • The 5-step process to build a business where others do it for you (the "hack" piece)
  • How to find investors to partner with you on the deals
  • The best marketing strategies for finding great deals
  • Scripts to use when talking to sellers
  • Exactly what to say and do on your appointments
  • What contracts to use and what information to put on each of them
  • How the closing process works with the title company
  • What numbers to track in your business to make sure you're on the right path
  • How to build the right team to help you grow your business

Jonathan Sims - Missionary

I would highly recommend the Tentmaking Pastors Flip Hacking Course for anyone who wants to supplement or replace their ministry income. It's no exaggeration to say that this course has been life-changing because it has given me the vision and the confidence to pursue my dream of tent-making ministry even while serving as a missionary in Tanzania! The course taught me everything I needed to know to get started flipping houses and building a business to support our ministry... After 4 months I closed my first deal and I've already recouped all my expenses (including the cost of the course) and made a profit!

Mike Blankenship - Pastor

Flip Hacking has jump-started me. I have been a pastor for 30 years and have been looking for a way to replace my ministry income. For the past three years I have been working as a real estate agent. I have also tried other real estate investing avenues, but nothing has excited me like Flip Hacking. Chris does an amazing job walking me step by step on HOW TO in each course video... This has been just what I needed! Thank you, Chris!!


That's the number that my students have made collectively over the last few years! This is so exciting to me because this money is being used to support their ministries. Some have even done so well that they are planning to give all of their salary back to their ministry soon.

My Dream

My dream & prayer has been that the Lord would lead me to hundreds of pastors, missionaries or Christian leaders that I can help supplement or replace their incomes. If you'd like to be one of them or know of someone that might be a fit, we'd be glad to help.

The Flip Hacking Course is for you if...

  • You love serving people. This is a service business and we are regularly helping people figure out solutions to their real estate problems. 
  • You have some extra time to work on learning these principles & building it into a business.
  • You desire to supplement or fully replace your ministry income.

This is NOT for you if...

  • You have absolutely no extra time on your hands. You definitely need at least a few hours each week to devote to this. 
  • You're looking for a way to get rich quick. This takes time & doesn't happen overnight.
  • You have no discretionary income. It doesn't take a lot of money to get started in this business, but you'll need some extra money to spend on marketing. The good news is you won't have to come up with the money to buy the house. We'll show you how to buy & sell houses without using your own money (or going into debt). 

I paid just under $5,000 for only a portion of this information

Real Estate courses and coaching tend to be expensive. When I started, I paid just under $5,000 for a course that contained some of this same information.

It felt like a lot of money at the time, but it was totally worth it. It helped me scale my business way beyond what I could've done on my own.

 A few years later I paid $4,000 for another course. Again, courses are expensive in the real estate space.  

I wanted to create something more affordable for those in ministry and more geared toward those of us that don’t want to spend full-time hours doing this.

And that's why I'm offering instant access to the Flip Hacking Course for $997

Get Started

Don't let the price hold you up...

And because I don’t want the price to keep anyone from learning, I’ve created an affiliate program where you can refer 3 friends and make all of your money back (we will reimburse you 33% of your course price for every friend who signs up). You can sign-up here: Become an Affiliate.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

In addition, I’m offering a 30 day money back guarantee. If you don’t find value in the course, I’m glad to fully reimburse your money. There’s absolutely no risk to you. I'll take on all of the risk. 

It's simple. Just go through the course, learn all you can, start implementing, try out the bonuses, and if you don't love it, shoot me an email and I'll give you all your money back. No big deal, no hard feelings. 

Jim Britts - Pastor

We've been doing this a couple hours a week alongside leading our church, and it's been an incredible journey. We believe in route to some day, maybe even this next year, being able to have a full-time salary just working a couple hours a week in real estate while leading the church. After our deal closes on Tuesday, we will have made $143,000 in the last 8 months.

Matt Miller - Pastor

For some time, I've been looking for a way to supplement my family income. As a full-time pastor with a big family, I wanted something that would add value to our lives without it taking me away even more. The Flip Hacking Course provides a great way to add a revenue stream that has huge potential without taking on another full-time job. My expectations were blown away by my first deal! I'm so thankful to have a guide like Chris to teach me step by step how to do it and to offer encouragement along the way.


  • FREE 1-hour strategy call with Chris ($100 value)
  • FREE access to the House Hacking Course ($250 value)

Tim Walker - Pastor

I’m probably the least handy person on the planet, so I always assumed house flipping was something I could never consider, because I lacked the knowledge and especially the skills that I assumed were dealbreakers. Turns out my concept of house flipping and threshold for required skills were completely wrong! This course changed all of that by laying out a clear, accessible, and strategic pathway that equipped me with both a vision & pathway for fully replacing my ministry salary, so we can invest more money in moving the gospel forward in our region.

Joel Halpin - Pastor

I am very excited to begin my journey with Chris has truly created a great course that I believe will open up new opportunities for ministry for me and my family.


Imagine having an extra source of income that gives you more margin in your budget.

Imagine being able to give your salary back to your ministry one day if the Lord leads.

Imagine being able to give more money away than ever before.

Imagine being able to go anywhere God calls you even if it doesn’t pay.

We'll do our best to help you get there!

- Chris and the Flip Hacking Team

Flip Hacking Course

Yours today for $997.



You can email us at [email protected] and we'd be glad to answer any questions you have!