How to Convince a Spouse that Tentmaking is Legit

general tentmaking May 14, 2021

Perhaps the thought of tentmaking excites you.


You’re worried about your husband or wife’s reaction.

“It’s too risky!”

“We need financial stability!”

“I don’t want you working nights and weekends!”

These concerns are totally understandable.

The key to bringing your spouse along on the journey is to start small & go slowwwww.

You don’t have to quit your job next week to start tentmaking on the side. You don’t have to put in 20 more hours of work each week on top of your busy ministry schedule. You don’t have to empty out your savings and retirement to get started.

Start small.

Like with Travel Hacking for example. I can almost guarantee you that your spouse will love it if you can plan an extra free vacation for the family each year. And that’s totally doable without a huge time investment. Check out this blog for more info: The Best Credit Card for Travel Rewards

After you’re earning some extra money through travel rewards, maybe consider Agent Hacking. In a few hours each year, you can make some significant extra money. Check out this blog for more info: Earn an Extra $10k in Only 10 Hours Each Year.

Then you could move up to House Hacking and use your house to generate income or try some of the other ideas in this blog: 15 Ideas for Level 2 Tentmakers.

Before you know it, you’ll be making some decent side income without much inconvenience.

Go slow.

If you hope to fully replace your income one day with tentmaking, just take it slow. Don’t try to do it overnight. Let your spouse watch your side tentmaking income grow gradually over time.

Eventually it could equal or overtake your ministry income and your spouse won’t need much convincing at that point. He/she will see that tentmaking legitimately replaced your income. Then they’ll be more likely to support your decision to give all of your ministry income back to the ministry. And I can tell you from personal experience that this is a very exciting day!

Start small. Go slow. And most importantly, seek God together and pray along the way.


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