Two Great Books on Financial Independence

life hacking May 17, 2024

Most people I talk to are interested in financial independence.

And most of them would like to be financially independent before retirement age.

They just wonder if that’s even possible.

Financial Independence (FI) is simply where your investments will cover your living expenses in perpetuity.

JL Collins is one of the bloggers who first started writing about FI.

His Stock Series became so popular that he eventually turned it into a book, along with other financial principles that have contributed to his financial independence.

This is a book I often recommend to people as a good place to start in learning about FI.

It’s called The Simple Path to Wealth (JL Collins).

This book helps to simplify the process of becoming financially independent.

Late last year he released another book with 100 stories of people who have gone on a similar FI journey.

I just finished it, and thought it was great, so I wanted to recommend it to you as well.

It’s called Pathfinders (JL Collins).

Between these two books, I would imagine you’ll catch the FI bug like I have and begin your own FI journey if you haven’t already.

And, to be clear, everyone’s FI journey is different.

The main thing we all hold in common is a desire to one day be financially independent.

And many people in this community are achieving it way sooner than anyone would’ve thought possible — sometimes in their 30s & 40s even.

Beginning an FI journey will likely result in you making significantly more money over the long-term than you would’ve thought possible. And what a great support to your ministry this would be!


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