How to Pay Back Your Student Loans Quickly

life hacking Oct 13, 2023

A few weeks ago, student loan payments resumed after a significant pause due to the pandemic.

I’m constantly amazed by how much student loan debt is out there.

Even people who didn’t do masters or doctoral work can have tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of student loan debt.

And I know it is suffocating so many people.

If you have student loan debt, I want to help you get it paid off ASAP. For many of you, it’s hung around way too long.

While paying off a little at time will eventually get you there (after years & years), putting huge chunks of cash on it will certainly get you there much quicker.

Where can you get huge chunks of cash?

You may be able to guess my answer.

Real estate.

In real estate, you are paid for value delivered, not for time spent. As a result, you can generate significant chunks of cash without spending the time you’d have to spend working overtime or at an hourly side gig.

There’s multiple ways to do this.

I’ll list several here:

  1. Get your real estate license & represent some family/friends in buying/selling their home over the next year & you could make an extra $30-50k (or more). Throw all of it on your student loans.
  1. Find a distressed property in your neighborhood and flip it — either a Quick Flip, a Cosmetic Flip, or a Fix & Flip, depending on your experience & connections. You could make an extra $40k+ here. Then throw it all on your student loans. Do this a few more times for maximum impact to your debt!
  1. Do some upgrades to your current home, sell it for a profit, and use some of that profit to pay down your student loans.
  1. Move into a fixer upper & remodel it over the next 2 years & then sell it for a tax-free profit 2 years from now. Put a chunk of the profit toward the student loans.

Unless you want those student loans to be around forever, you’re probably going to need to take some massive action.

Real Estate is a great vehicle to help you get past those loans & into a debt-free lifestyle!


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