Using Google Flights to Find Discounted & Mistake Fares

travel hacking Aug 18, 2023

Have you used Google Flights before?

It’s a game-changer!

In this one place you can see multiple airlines, routes & prices to the places you want to go.

And if you look closely enough, sometimes you’ll see greatly discounted or even mistake fares.

A greatly discounted fare is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a fare that the airline is offering at a big discount because of a promotion they’re running or because they’re trying to attract travelers to that route.

A mistake fare is even better but it’s more rare. It’s when an airline actually makes a mistake in its pricing of a particular route. Maybe they forgot a 0 or someone made a typo. But this is where a $2,000 ticket might sell for $200.

Google Flights can help you find both of these.

It can even notify you about various routes when the ticket prices change.

In addition to looking for these yourself, there are others out there that hunt all day long & tell you about the discounted or mistake fares they find.

I’d encourage you to subscribe to their email lists. Some are free & some are paid.

There are many services like this out there, and I subscribe to many of them so I see the discounted/mistake fares right away when they are discovered.

Instead of giving you my list, because it’s always changing, I think my best advice would be to do some Google searching and begin to compile your own.

Look for websites that email out discount fares and you’ll find plenty of them. Most of them will link you back to Google Flights to see & then be able to book the exact flights they’re telling you about.

Hope you find some discounted/mistake fares soon, and if you do, definitely let me know & I may book as well! 🙂


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