Today I wanted to share a resource that I’ve found especially helpful on the journey.
It’s a website called Early Retirement Now:
This is a technical blog written by Karsten Jeske, a PhD in Economics with a CFA (chartered financial analyst) certification.
He writes about his own story of achieving financial independence and gives a ton of helpful wisdom for those of us on a similar journey.
He talks about topics such as:
- How much you need to invest to become FI (financially independent)
- What the safe withdrawal rate is for your portfolio once you hit FI
- Ways to invest your emergency fund
- Preferred allocations of your investments to achieve your FI goals
He also has a really helpful calculator to determine how close you are to reaching FI.
You can find it here:
I’ve been following him for awhile now and I’ve benefited so much from his financial expertise.
Bookmark his website so you can return often as you pursue your own FI journey.
Most of our training for ministry didn’t include classes on investing, budgeting, or earning extra income. But this is such an important topic for those of us who dream of serving in our ministries for free or following the Lord into ministries that may pay little or nothing at all.